The distinction between Research Paper and Journal
When we started doing research or get admission to Ph.D. It is an absolute confusion and worries in some ways for r a research scholar especially if you are still a student trying to publish a research paper. Many of us get often confused when we hear the words research paper or a journal for the first time. The reason is that we have no or little idea what the words mean or we never looked into them even though we keep hearing them. So, here are a few differences between a “JOURNAL” and a “RESEARCH PAPER”
A Journal is a collection of articles on various topics. There are various types of journals such as personal journals, academic journals, creative journals, etc. But in terms of academics, we need to learn more about an academic journal. It is a book that comprises articles on different variety of topics. It is an anthology of different work collections. Unlike a research paper, it consists of articles on various topics. It is often used as a reference to write a research paper. It is a periodical publication based on various topics and contexts that are related or co-related to each other. The information provided in a journal is not as deep as it is in a paper. As already said, a journal acts as a reference point to various individuals or organizations who are carrying out research.
A research paper is basically a sheet of information on a specific topic. If we look at the standard definition it says, “It is a descriptive context in the form of words or text”. It provides detailed and relevant information on a specific topic to its readers. It is a study on a specific problem and it intends to provide a possible practical solution at the end of it. It can be up to 20 pages long or even more and it is an extensive study on one specific topic. Nevertheless, it should be understood that its length depends on the context of the study.
However, the key difference between a journal and a research paper is that a journal is limited to 5,000 – 10,000 words, unlike a research paper. A journal can provide you with a list of national and international conferences as it is a periodical publication. It also provides you with conference alerts as it is a periodical publication as already said. Journal publication is a dream to many students and research scholars especially if it is their first-ever research paper.
In conclusion, a research paper is an extensive and detailed study on a specific topic whereas a journal is a collection of articles on various academic-related topics with limited words. If you are one of those research scholars looking to get your first journal publications then there are a number of journal lists and their details everywhere.